Hey there pretty :)
I don't know about you, but I get a TON of junk mail. As soon as I turned 18, the credit card applications started rolling in, and they only continued to increase as I've gotten older. Usually I just shred them {Because I'm paranoid like that}, but lately I've been saving the reply mail envelopes to make these lovelies.
{I still obsessively shred the rest of the applications, but these envelopes are like gold now.}
They're really simple to make. Just take the envelopes apart as carefully as you can, turn them inside-out, and tape them closed. If they're huge {or if I rip them}, I'll trim them down a little so they're of a more manageable size. Just follow along the actual pattern of the envelope and create new folds, and voilĂ ! Address them with a thick marker or use an address label, and you're good to go! If the envelope has a window I usually will cover it up with a label, but you could always leave them there. To close them, just tape shut or lick and tuck the flap inside.
We have to mail our rent in every month, so these are awesome to have handy. Just pop the check in, address them, stick on a stamp, and send. No worries about security with these!
photo via
You could buy these on etsy {here}, but I'm sure you get about three or four business reply envelopes every week already. Why not make them instead?