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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding the Joy in everyday

Today was one of those days that reminded me very clearly that I am not a morning person. At ALL. Why would I want to get out of bed when it's so cold outside? The bed was so cuddly and inviting, and the little heater by our feet was putt-putt-putting away. Snooze button+snooze button+snooze button=late for work.

I barely remembered to re-brush my teeth after my halitosis-inducing breakfast of coffee and onion bagel (ouch), and even then I left the house and drove all the way down the street before I realized I hadn't combed my hair or put on makeup.

haha kind of...

Even though I adore my job and love the people with whom I work, there are many days (like today) where I just struggle find the joy in the day.

I was recently reading a prayer adapted from "A Diary of Private Prayerby John Baillie, and I was struck by it.

O Lord and Maker of all things, from whose creative power the first light came forth, who did look upon the world's first morning and see that it was good;
we praise you for the life that stirs within us;
we praise you for the earth and sea and sky, for scudding cloud and singing bird. 
We praise you for the work that you have given us to do; 
we praise you for all that you have given us to fill our leisure hours; 
we praise you for our friends, for music and books and good company and all pure pleasures.

Oh Lord, give us tender hearts today towards all those for whom this day is less than joyful;
those in whom the pulse of life grows weak;
those who are confined to bed throughout the day;
the overworked who have no joy of leisure; 
the unemployed who have no joy of labor; 
the bereaved whose hearts and homes are desolate. 
Grant your Mercy to them all.



1 comment:

  1. Such a great prayer, thanks for sharing it, it helped my morning out too! :)


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