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Friday, April 19, 2013

NYC part 3: things I learned on my day alone downtown

Behind? Here's Part 1, Part 2.
On our third day in NYC, Tim had a meeting out in New Jersey so I was left alone to fend for myself. Oh darn. Get ready for photo overload.

(You'd better believe I'd been scoping out places to revisit the day before!)

Polka-dots are totally a thing, right?

I visited all the places I knew Tim would HATE to go through with me--the 3-story H&M, Fishs Eddy, Kate Spade NY (obviously), and what seemed to be a hundred vintage shops and boutiques. Of course I picked up a couple things while I was there!
In all, I walked about 50 blocks down 5th Avenue, then the same back up Broadway and Madison Avenue. Lots of fun places to shop there! Some things I learned while I was out:

:: HOW have I waited so long to have gelato?!? I picked the best place and time to have it for the first time, though :)
:: "Walk" and "don't walk" signs are just suggestions. Rarely anyone follows them, least of all taxis or seasoned New Yorkers. I felt like such a dork waiting for the light to change... I just nestled myself deep into the middle of a large group crossing the street, and did just fine.
:: Cute jewelry is best found on street vendor tables. Their junk is the same stuff as the junk you'll find in Pink or Rainbow but its much cheaper. And the street vendors are nicer than the store salesgirls, lets be honest.
:: New Yorkers are FEARLESS.
:: Everyone and their grandmother smokes, it seems. You forget stuff like that living in California!
:: Lemonade makes a perfect thirst-quencher when you forget to drink water all day. Nanoosh's on Madison is a great place to get it. While you're at it, you might as well order their Tahini Hummus plate (GIGANTIC and only about 7 bucks) because oh yeah, gelato was all you'd had for lunch.
::(learned from Tim) get comfortable using the subway. A trip that cost $270 in cab fare was nine bucks by train. Live and learn.

By the time Tim returned from Jersey, I was a seasoned New Yorker. Or at least a little bit more salty :)


  1. Aren't days all by your self wonderful?? I don't have a single friend that would wander through New York all alone but as crazy as it sounds, I think that may be the way I'd most enjoy a city like that! Sounds like a great trip! Dying to go!

  2. I was going to ask where you got your necklace! Now I know. Looks like you had an amazing time! :)

  3. This post makes me want to go to NYC again SO bad! There is definitely a different attitude over our way. I always say my Yankee butt would never survive in LA! NYC is definitely a different state of mind! :P


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